Last weekend we visited the Sequoia National Park in California. It was a most remarkable experience to be in the midst of these gentle giants. Giant Sequoias are special. They are not just the largest trees in the world, they are also the largest (and amongst the oldest) living organisms on earth. They are on average 200-300 ft tall, have a diameter of 25 ft, with the oldest growing up to 3000 years. The largest tree in the world, General Sherman (see photo above) has a volume of 52,508 cubic feet, weights over 2.7 million pounds, has a circumference of 102 ft at the base, branches are 7 ft in diameter, it has a height of 275 ft (equivalent to a 26 stories building) and is 2500 years old.
Phew!! That is simply awe inspiring. Spending time amongst the Giant Sequoias was a deeply moving experience. The day I spent with the Giant Sequoias along with the day I had spent two years back with their cousins, the Coastal Redwoods in Muir Woods outside San Francisco were truly special experiences. It is off course natural to be awe struck and humbled by the enormity of these giants. But it is more than that. It was like a meditative experience. These immortals have a tranquil presence that touches your core. You feel that within them lie the secrets of all creation and eternity.
I was reflecting what do we learn from these giants, these immortals. There are 5 lessons that I took away that I want to share with you.
Lesson 1 : Smallest of seeds can produce tallest of trees
The Giant Sequoia comes from a tiny cone. The Sequoia cone is size of a chicken egg with seeds smaller than oat flakes. This is such a powerful reminder of the infinite potential of life. Within the smallest of us lies the potential for greatness
Lesson 2 : Power of positioning and luck
The Giant Sequoias grow in a fairly small region. There are only 65 groves found in an area of mere 144 sq km in the Sierra Nevada ranges in California. They need humid climate characterized by dry summers and snowy winters, and granitic-based residual and alluvial soils, which this region provides. Even within the grove, not all Sequoias end up being giants. Positioning in the grove, access to sunlight, surroundings etc play a key role in eventual growth. This is a powerful life lesson : many might have the same intrinsic potential but being at the right place at the right time can make all the difference in eventual success.
Lesson 3: Growing bigger & taller with age
The hardiness, age and size of the Giant Sequoias are all connected. The keep on growing in size and strength as they get older, and therefore even more difficult to be blown over by winds. They seem to have conquered diseases and natural death, and are felled only by accidents. The older Sequoias are therefore even more magnificent. That is a powerful inspirations for us humans in so many ways. The big lesson for me was to never stop growing and that our best days are ahead of us.
Lesson 4 : Strength through community
Giant Sequoias have surprisingly small roots, only 6-20 ft deep. Yet these shallow roots support these giants for thousands of years. The answer lies in the fact that Sequoias grow close to each other and their roots are intertwined. It is this matting of the roots, the network effect that provides the incredible strength and stability to the Sequoias. It is a powerful reminder of the strength of the community and that no leader can stand tall without support of many.
Lesson 5 : Growth through fires
Perhaps the biggest secret of Giant Sequoias longevity is how they tackle fires. The Sierra Nevada region, the habitat of the Giant Sequoias is dry and prone to lightnings. This is a deadly combination that results in many fires and thus a big challenge that Sequoias have to face. We found many Sequoias in the park having large fire scars (see picture below).
However, Sequoias have a great mechanism, their bark to overcome fires. Their bark is very thick (~ 3ft) and has tannin, which protects it against fires. Therefore, Giant Sequoias are able to not just survive fire but use it for both regeneration and growth. Fire clears the undergrowth and opens the cones allowing seeds to germinate. Moreover, fire removes competing thin-barked species promoting growth of these ancient giants. In fact, fires are typically followed by a growth spurt in the Giant Sequoias.
Giant Sequoias mastery over fires is such a powerful lesson for us. Life throws many challenges our way. The way we tackle them determines how we grow in life. We need to develop our own unique coping mechaniams (thick bark and tannin for the Giant Sequioas). The most successful are able to not just survive the challenges but use it as an opportunity for fuelling further growth. That is such a beautiful and powerful life lesson.
I hope these life lessons of hope, courage, excellence, resilience and longevity were as inspiring for you as they were for me. However, mere words cannot do justice to these magnificent, immortal giants. I strongly encourage you to go and see the Sequoias and absorb for yourself the mystery and wonder of these uncomparable giants!!