Spiritual Balance – a necessity in today’s material world

Excerpts from my speech at the launch of the book Uber Karma. August 25, 2013

We are in the age of hyper-consumerism, where there are many attractions and temptations. We are always running after outer trappings of success – money, possessions, power and position. However, this is a trap. We are caught in a never stopping treadmill of desires and expectations. The faster we run and more success we get, the more our desires keep on rising, and the treadmill keeps on running faster and faster. We can never find true peace and happiness as long as we are on the expectations treadmill. We keep on running faster and faster to catch up and that leads to more and more stress. Eventually we get fatigued and lose our spirit and start going through the motions of life like a mechanical robot.

This situation of stress and fatigue is made further worse by the extraordinarily digitized and interconnected world we live in. In this era of multiple gadgets, 24*7 connectivity and social media (Facebook, Twitter etc), we face constant stimuli and distractions. We are always switched on and in constant response mode. This constant barrage of information and need for response further increases stress. Moreover, this constant action mode does not allow time for reflection and thought. As a result the quality of our decisions and actions suffers.

The combined effect of constantly running on the expectations treadmill and of dealing with multiple stimuli in today’s digital environment is disastrous. Stress levels are increasing; therefore, people are developing serious health problems sooner than ever before. Tolerance and empathy is decreasing; therefore, relationships are suffering and conflict is increasing. Moral fabric and integrity is weakening; therefore, there is massive increase in corruption and crime.

If the current situation continues to spiral downwards it will be disastrous for both individuals and the society. If we want to reverse the trend and move into a virtuous cycle, we have to find balance between Spirituality and Materialism. Spirituality is the process of connecting with our inner self. To find true peace and happiness in today’s fast paced material world, it is imperative that we discover spirituality and connect with our inner self. There is a great power that lies deep within all of us. This power is also a universal force that also connects all of us. We look for solutions for our problems outside, whereas all solutions lie within us. We just have to connect with the divine and abundant energy within us. As we do that, it removes the haze and brings us clarity on thought and action – between right and wrong, between what is important and what is not. Our fears and concerns dissipate; we come into the present moment and find positive energy to achieve great outcomes that we might have never seen as possible.

I have seen these benefits of spiritual balance in my own life. I have always led a very busy life juggling many balls at the same time. When I was in engineering college and later during MBA – it was academics, sports and extra-curricular all at the same time. Throughout my professional life, I have continuously taken on multiple challenging responsibilities together, which have often gone well beyond my job scope. I have done this while staying true to my responsibilities towards my family and the society. Many people have asked me the secret of my “multi-tasking”. Regular practice of meditation and reading spiritual books has been my “secret weapon”. They have helped me manage the enormous stress and pressures, and progress in life with strength and integrity. Life is not all rosy; it is inevitable that some failures and disappointments will come. A big disappointment in my life was the failure of a business venture that I had set up with a few close friends in 2000; which I had to close down in 2002. Discovering Art of Living at that stage of life and regular practice of Pranayama and Sudarshan Kriya was undoubtedly the turnaround for me that helped me recover from the disappointment and enabled me to rededicate myself towards my professional career with renewed energy and inspiration.

Clearly, finding spiritual balance is a necessity for coping successfully in today’s material world. However, finding this balance is not easy. The daily stresses of our material world keep on taking us away from our inner self. As a child we are born free and natural. However as we grow, we build layers of protection that take us far away from our greatest asset, our inner self. That is where we need to build knowledge and discipline of spiritual practices, which will progress us on the path of self-realization. There are many spiritual paths – Yoga, Pranayam, Reiki, Meditation, Chanting, Prayer, and many others. However, their end objective is the same – self-discovery and connecting with our inner self.

India can rightfully claim to be the mother of spirituality. This ancient civilization has over thousands of generations, explored and unlocked the greatest secrets of human existence. Our sages have created an invaluable treasure trove of wisdom – literature, practices and rituals – to help lead us to the path of spiritual growth and salvation. Unfortunately over the past centuries we have lost touch with this great heritage. Centuries of foreign subjugation have sucked out our self-belief and made us run after Western knowledge and culture. There is nothing wrong in absorbing new ideas as continuous learning is necessary for growth of not just individuals but entire civilizations. However, the Western civilization knows mostly the ways of the material world. This is not sufficient, as it is absolutely necessary that we find balance between materialism and spirituality both in our personal and social lives. I believe that secrets to finding this balance lie in re-discovering and practicing our ancient Indian wisdom and knowledge. As we do that, it will lead to not only a stronger self but a stronger society and country. Eventually, this is a contribution India can make towards building a more harmonious world.

Rajnish has done a great job in his book Uber Karma in bringing together many useful practices and “mantras” from our traditions. He has done so in a very simple and practical manner, which should fit in well in today’s modern life. He not just provides actionable recommendations but also provides the logic and philosophical basis behind the practices. Rajnish’s book is a very worthwhile re-discovery of our ancient practices and a good guide to connecting with our spiritual self in today’s material world. I wish that all readers of this book find the success and happiness in their lives that Rajnish has so sincerely sought to guide them towards through this book.

Wish you all the very best!!