• Achieving your full potential

    Achieving your full potential

    Every human being has abundant potential.  Everybody is blessed with some unique talents, which if discovered and nurtured can lift the person and the world around him to a higher level.  However, very few achieve their full potential.  Forget full potential, most of us are perhaps operating at a tiny fraction of our full potential. …

  • Shape the future or Follow the flow

    Shape the future or Follow the flow

    I have always believed that your fate is in your own hands.  I like setting stretch goals and giving my 100% to achieve them.  This has served me well and I have been able to achieve most goals that I have set.  However, over time I have realized that you can not always shape the future. …

  • My Leadership Beliefs

    My Leadership Beliefs

    One question that I often get asked is – What are the traits of an effective leader?  In this post, I would like to share with you my personal beliefs on leadership.  These are by no means the last word on leadership, but aspects that I feel are important and try to live by. Leadership…

  • Fears hold you back

    Fears hold you back

    Spent the day at the Rafthouses in the gorgeous Rajaprabha dam lake. Karmishtha and Devishi were fearless in jumping into the deep lake and in canoeing. I was very surprised that two of them went alone in the canoe. All this while I was very afraid to either swim or canoe!! Two learning’s from this:…

  • Understand the flow

    Understand the flow

    Today we tubed down that Klong Sok River in Khao Sok where I learnt an important lesson. I was paddling hard but was still behind Arpna and the kids. After a while I realise that I was trying too hard. If I had let myself just float with the flow I would have moved much…