• Guiding Principles For Management In The Age Of Technological Disruption

    Guiding Principles For Management In The Age Of Technological Disruption

  • Leapfrogging Indian companies to Industry 4.0 with emerging technologies

    Leapfrogging Indian companies to Industry 4.0 with emerging technologies

    Insights from Panel Discussion at Entrepreneurship Development Cell, IIT Delhi, February 25, 2018 We are entering the era of Industry 4.0, of cyber-physical systems, where machines, humans and self-learning systems are getting connected. Industry 4.0 is powered by emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, IoT, Blockchain and AR/VR that provide many opportunities for Indian…

  • Thank you 2017 for your blessings and learnings

    Thank you 2017 for your blessings and learnings

    I recently read a wonderful tweet by the Management Guru Tom Peters, “If you ended up where you planned to end up on 12/31, it was [by and large] a lost year. A rich life is about ending up in places you couldn’t have imagined existed on 1/1. Success is all about surprise.” This quote…

  • Creating the framework for large, sustainable businesses in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution

    Creating the framework for large, sustainable businesses in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution

    Panel Discussion at IIT Delhi Leadership Conclave, 11th November 2017 The First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanize production. The Second used electric power to create mass production. The Third used electronics and information technology to automate production. Now a Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the Third, the digital revolution that…

  • Launching a successful entrepreneurial journey

    Launching a successful entrepreneurial journey

    Keynote address at Entrepreneurship Awareness Drive at Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana, 29th September, 2017, organised by The Entrepreneurship Cell IIT Kharagpur I am very happy to be sharing my insights on entrepreneurship today with you. My insights are based on 4 sets of experiences – starting and failing in my own startup (ActiveKarma…

  • My Mindfulness Journey and Learnings

    My Mindfulness Journey and Learnings

    Talk at Mindful Leadership Summit, Gurgaon, September 28, 2017 Friends, I am happy to be sharing my mindfulness journey with you, how it has changed my life, and some thoughts on relevance of mindfulness for the corporate world. My Mindfulness Journey I have been practising Mindfulness or Meditation for over 30 years now. In my…

  • 5 life lessons from The Giant Sequoias

    5 life lessons from The Giant Sequoias

    Last weekend we visited the Sequoia National Park in California. It was a most remarkable experience to be in the midst of these gentle giants. Giant Sequoias are special. They are not just the largest trees in the world, they are also the largest (and amongst the oldest) living organisms on earth. They are on…

  • New rules of management in an era of Technology disruption

    New rules of management in an era of Technology disruption

    Speech at CREDAI conference, London, August 12, 2017 We are living in a world of unprecedented technology disruption. The velocity of technology change that we are seeing is one of the highest in annals of human history. Just a few years back there was a lot of talk of Technology Megatrends like Mobile, Ecommerce, Social…

  • Raising the bar for entrepreneurship in India

    Raising the bar for entrepreneurship in India

    Keynote address at the Start-Up Conclave, IIM Lucknow NOIDA Campus, July 8, 2017 It is fantastic to see IIM Lucknow organising this Start-Up conclave. It is very timely. Last 3-4 years have seen a startup revolution in India. We have seen a number of Unicorns (companies with >$1 bn valuations) and a real spurt in…

  • Winning in the VUCA World – key principles and transformation priorities for enterprises

    Winning in the VUCA World – key principles and transformation priorities for enterprises

    Speech to Birla Sunlife AMC Leadership Team, Mumbai, June 30, 2017 Many enterprises are struggling with how they should go Digital and face up to the Digital disruption happening in their industries. However, the challenge is not just about Digital. There are a variety of forces that have come together in what I think is…