Spent the day at the Rafthouses in the gorgeous Rajaprabha dam lake. Karmishtha and Devishi were fearless in jumping into the deep lake and in canoeing. I was very surprised that two of them went alone in the canoe. All this while I was very afraid to either swim or canoe!!
Two learning’s from this:
- With age your fears get stronger. They stop you from trying and thus learning. Children are more natural and fearless. Therefore, get children to experience and learn a variety of things while they are still young. This is the best age to learn.
- Need to make a conscious effort to let go of your fears. Try out new things and let go of the fear of failure. For this, learn to be natural like a child. Find joy and wonder in new things even small ones. Laugh at yourself especially your mistakes and failures. This will allow you to learn more.
Fears hold you back. Letting go of them is a necessary step to achieve your full potential.