Some productivity tips for getting better results by doing less!!

Synthesis from the book “The One thing” by Garry Keller

  1. Extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus.  “If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one”!!
  2. Train yourself to focus on the 80/20.  The majority of what you want will come from the minority of what you do.  So ask yourself, what’s the ONE THING I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?
  3. We have finite willpower.  Willpower is always on will-call is a lie.  Therefore, we need to focus it on where we need it most.  Make doing what matters most a priority when your willpower is at its highest.
  4. You can become successful with less discipline than what you think, for one simple reason: success is about doing the right thing, not about doing everything right.  When you do the right thing, it can liberate you from having to monitor everything.
  5. Big is bad is a lie.  No one knows their ultimate ceiling.  Only living big will let you experience your true life and work potential.  So, Think Big, Act Big, and Succeed Big!!
  6. How we phrase the questions we ask ourselves determines the answers that eventually become our life.  So, learn to ask great questions.  Most often, we think Small and end up with incremental gains.  When we think Big, we end up being Broad and so don’t know where to start.  Trick is to think Big & Specific.
  7. Our purpose sets our priority and our priority determines the productivity our actions produce.  Who we are and where we want to go determine what we do and what we accomplish.
  8. People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.
  9. When you say yes to something, its imperative that you understand what you are saying no to.  You can’t please everyone, so don’t try.
  10. When you spend the early hours energizing yourself, you get pulled through the rest of the day with little additional effort.
  11. No one succeeds alone and no one fails alone. Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher.