How Great Leaders Inspire Others – The “5 Cs” Formula!!

Inspiring others is a critical test of a leader.  To achieve outstanding results in an increasingly complex world, you need to go beyond just managing efficiently.  You need to touch people at a deep level where they get inspired from within.  Inspiration is the elixir that helps individuals go beyond ordinary limits and achieve great results.  And, it is not just about results and performance.  Inspiration is also the spark that helps people rise and realize their full potential.  This aspect is very precious.  I believe that helping others realize their full potential is one of the biggest human contributions that any one of us can make.  Truly, ability to inspire is a necessary requirement for a leader to go from Good to Great!!

So, how do great leaders inspire others? I am sharing below “5 Cs” – Cause, Care, Courage, Communication and Character – that I have seen great leaders use to inspire.  I hope these will help you discover the leader inside you:

  1. Cause – Identify and champion a cause or vision that makes a real difference.  A cause that goes beyond the routine and touches an emotional chord.  A cause that is meaningful today but also leads towards a better tomorrow.  Great leaders focus on the “Why”, the purpose.  Once the purpose is clear, means follow.  A powerful purpose can help bring disparate individuals together as a team and galvanize them to go beyond ordinary limits
  2. Care – Leadership is not about the leader but about leading.  It is not about your own dream but touching the silent dreams of others.  Have a genuine interest and empathy for others, understand their goals and aspirations, and look to contribute to their progress.  Suspend your self-interest; ask not what you are getting but what you are giving to any situation.  As you give, you get lot more in return.  When you go beyond your self-interest and tap into what matters to others, you will build trust with them and they will willingly go the extra mile for you
  3. Courage – You can inspire others when you are inspired yourself.  Walk the talk and have passion for the cause at hand. Take risks and say what you mean.  Any worthwhile cause will face some roadblocks.  Opposition and challenges are the real tests of a leader, their moment of truth.  You need to have the spine to stand up for your beliefs and your people.  You have to persevere in face of difficulties and not give up.  That is crucial for your credibility.  People will observe your approach, and your personal example of courage and commitment will ignite those around you
  4. Communication – Connect directly with people and get your message across yourself.  Don’t depend only on formal channels (which are often impersonal) or others to carry your message.  People need to see and hear you for themselves. You need to touch both hearts and minds.  For that to happen it is not your polish but your authenticity and intent that matters.  Communicate often and do it with warmth and openness.  Moreover, not just talk but also listen.  Listening is even more critical for a leader.  You will learn a lot and others will feel valued.  Listen with sincerity and patience, and follow up on your conversations
  5. Character – All your great work as a leader can be undone in a single moment of indiscretion.  Integrity is the glass mirror that once broken can never be repaired.  Always strive to do the right thing.  However, recognise that we as human beings are fallible, there is both good and bad within us.  Many great leaders fall because they get arrogant, stop listening and lose touch with people.  Always stay humble and grounded.  Humility will earn you the love and respect of people.  It will also allow you to listen better and avoid making big mistakes.

I hope these “5 Cs” help you hone your own leadership skills and inspire those around you.  While I have shared a framework with you, I want to emphasize that leadership is about finding your own personal style.  There is no right or wrong style.  A leader needs to be authentic and true to one’s self.  Each one of us have unique strengths and view of the world based on our experiences.  Your formula for inspiring could well be very different.  So, learn from others but dig within yourself and find your own formula.  That is your best chance of success.  Finally, please remember that leadership is a journey.  You are not born a leader but you realize the leader within you with your actions.  So, just focus on your karma as a leader and you will find yourself continuing to grow as an inspiring leader.

All the best for your leadership journey!!