Speaker notes from recent set of talks
Sharing my experiences of leading in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world and 7 paradigms leaders can use to create breakthrough opportunities from disruption.
Context setting
- It is crazy out there. Velocity of change is unprecedented
- Tech Megatrends – Digital, Big Data, Automation,
- Rapidly changing customer preferences
- Shift of growth – West to East
- Hypercompetition
- Geopolitical shifts – Trump Presidency!!, Brexit, ISIS
- Resulting in shortening Product and Business cycles
- This realization of disruptive power of change happened when I was in Fidelity
- Very profitable business and a great company, but industry going through many significant disruptions
- Shift in market structures – rise of Passive/Index funds (vs.actively managed), increasing regulation, aging population and plateauing of growth in core markets
- Blink moment for me happened in an Agile Training (Key insights from my first Agile Training) – management rules that were developed for a more structured, stable environment will almost certainly not work. This is a great challenge for managers (especially those of us above the age of 40!!) as we probably need to unlearn what has made us successful so far. In short, I saw risk of becoming a dinosaur!!
- This in part prompted my decision to join a new age company like Flipkart and expose myself to new learning
- Flipkart – absolutely at the cutting edge of VUCA
- My role – Chief People Officer & Head of Strategy and now Chief Operating Officer has given me a ring side view of dynamics of a disruptive industry like Ecommerce and the challenges of building a hi-growth company in such an environment
- Learnt the concept of VUCA in an Offsite. Another Blink moment. We are applying approaches and mindsets from a more traditional, linear world. No wonder, we struggle in a VUCA world!!
- And, Ecommerce in India is totally VUCA
- Volatile – Traffic
- Uncertain – Demand & Growth
- Complex – value chain – many different industries coming together
- Ambiguous – regulations – how it will evolve
Complication – Organizations are not ready
- Traditional organisations – struggle to adapt to the pace of change
- “Innovator’s dilemma” (seminal book by Clayton Christensen) – new technologies cause great firms to fail
- Inertia
- “Risk averse” culture
- Newage companies – not mature, learning on the go
- Constant war mode – not building for the long term
- Lack of experienced talent
- Foundational capabilities and practices not strong (e.g., enabling functions like HR and Finance not kept pace with the business)
However, disruption also presents breakthrough opportunities
- It is not all doom and gloom. Companies that master the art of leading in a VUCA world can create breakthrough businesses (and significant value) through disruption.
- For example, growth of Tech driven companies like Facebook, Uber and Tesla over the past 10 years
- Closer home, the rise of Flipkart and the Ecommerce industry in India. Both are truly children of Tech led disruption that is happening in India.
7 paradigms that are essential to lead in a VUCA world and realise breakthrough opportunities
- Innovate and shape the future
- Steve Jobs famously said, “people who are crazy enough to believe they can change the world are the ones who do so”
- Instead of being on the defensive, play on the front foot and shape the market through innovations
- A fundamental view that Flipkart has had – When Ecommerce penetration in India is still 2% of retail market, market growth rate does not mean anything. It can be shaped
- For example, growth of Ecommerce in India has been driven by innovations that Flipkart introduced – Cash on Delivery, BBD, Mobile Exclusives. Each of these innovations shaped the market and shifted the baseline
- Execution speed & Agility
- In a VUCA world, carefully laid plans often don’t survive contact with hard reality.
- Therefore Strategy has to be light & agile
- Focus on execution – get wins on the board, Fail Fast. Successful execution often leads to clarity on strategy (by connecting the dots) rather than the other way around
- To ensure speed and agility,
- Stay close to the customer
- Build org with hi-quality talent – who can adapt quickly
- Anchors – North Stars
- Strategy might not be a constant in a VUCA world
- However, you do need some “North Stars” that will keep you anchored. Three “North Stars”:
- Mission/Purpose – For Flipkart, it is to Transform Commerce in India using Technology. Our Strategy has changed but Mission has remained constant
- Values – which bind the organisation together
- Core Team – while personnel might change because of changing business needs and fast speed, it is important to have a core team at the center that stays constant through the journey
- Simplicity – to counter complexity
- Many managers can identify the comprehensive list of things to be done. True test of a leader is to simplify and generate focus. Three areas:
- Org Structure – simple, flat, easy to change. Complex structures will not survive for long in a VUCA world
- Processes – e.g., Performance Management system (PMS) – trade-off between comprehensive vs. scalable design
- Key metrics – focus on select few that will move the needle
- Many managers can identify the comprehensive list of things to be done. True test of a leader is to simplify and generate focus. Three areas:
- Collaboration – nobody can do it alone
- Empowerment – death of top-down management
- Encourage interactions across levels and functions
- Communication – over invest on communication, make it personal to the extent possible
- External Ecosystem – build partnerships, M&A
- Learning – keep on evolving
- Hubris Vs. Humility. Success breeds Hubris/Arrogance, which can be the death-knell for the individual and the organisation. Humility is key for ensuring learning and long-term success
- Encourage Experimentation & Innovation. Reward failure
- Build Peer networks – both within and outside the organisation
- Resilience – bounce back
- It is inevitable that you will face some knocks. Have to strengthen both self and the organisation to take the punches and bounce back
- Awareness of Duality – seeming contradictions like short-term and long-term, growth and profitability have to be managed at the same time in a VUCA world
- Change management – role for HR
- Personal anchors are critical – For me, it is Family, Sports, Spirituality
We are living in a roller coaster world. Hope the above thoughts help you both enjoy and make the best of this VUCA ride!!